How to Harness the Pain-Blocking Effects of Exercise

Runners Essentials

Alex Hutchinson • Exercise causes pain, but it also dulls it. Researchers are still trying to understand how that works. Athletes have a very complicated relationship with pain. For endurance athletes in particular, pain is an...

10 Ways To Train Like A Tokyo Olympics 2021 Athlete

Runners Essentials

Jan Cortes • Training like a professional athlete is hard. However, this shouldn't dishearten you from trying it out. As the Olympics have recently started, now's a fun time to get active. While there’s no gold medal waiting...

Habits and Motivation: Master Both for Big Results

Runners Essentials

Len Ho • Do you struggle to feel motivated in certain aspects of your life? Whether it’s in your studies, your career, your fitness, or just your day to day routine… we don’t always ‘enjoy’ every...

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