How to Harness the Pain-Blocking Effects of Exercise

Runners Essentials

Alex Hutchinson • Exercise causes pain, but it also dulls it. Researchers are still trying to understand how that works. Athletes have a very complicated relationship with pain. For endurance athletes in particular, pain is an...

10 Ways To Train Like A Tokyo Olympics 2021 Athlete

Runners Essentials

Jan Cortes • Training like a professional athlete is hard. However, this shouldn't dishearten you from trying it out. As the Olympics have recently started, now's a fun time to get active. While there’s no gold medal waiting...

Long Run Recovery – A Dietitian’s Perspective

Runners Essentials

Diana Davis RDN, LDN, CDE • I often have conversations with athletes on the topic of recovery. In my profession as a sports nutritionist, this is a clear case of the benefits of “eating to recover”...

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