Vitamins are Like Engine Oil

Runners Daily Vitamin

Scott W. Tunis MD FACS | You are supposed to operate your engine with the oil level on the FULL mark. If your engine oil is a little low, you won’t even know it. Your...

Beetroot for Endurance or Beetroot Schmeetroot?

Runners Daily Vitamin

Scott W. Tunis MD FACS | You have heard about athletes taking beetroot to increase endurance. Some swear by it. So what’s the deal, does it really work? At Runners Essentials, we prefer to look...

Take Control

Runners Daily Vitamin

Scott W. Tunis MD FACS  | We love to run. But it isn’t always easy. Wouldn’t it be great if we were always motivated?Wouldn’t it be nice if we always felt strong and fast?Wouldn’t it...

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