Iron and 2,3-DPG are Wonderful Things

Runners Daily Vitamin

Scott W. Tunis MD FACS | Iron is the element in hemoglobin in our red cells that binds and carries oxygen. It’s also why our blood is red. Low in Iron = less oxygen delivery...

Vitamins are Like Engine Oil

Runners Daily Vitamin

Scott W. Tunis MD FACS | You are supposed to operate your engine with the oil level on the FULL mark. If your engine oil is a little low, you won’t even know it. Your...

Beetroot for Endurance or Beetroot Schmeetroot?

Runners Daily Vitamin

Scott W. Tunis MD FACS | You have heard about athletes taking beetroot to increase endurance. Some swear by it. So what’s the deal, does it really work? At Runners Essentials, we prefer to look...


Runners Daily Vitamin

Tom Clifford | Developing a solid aerobic pace is one of the main principles of distance running.  Almost every distance runner follows Arthur Lydiard’s model of easy distance, in particular that of Kenyan athletes who...

Running in the Heat

Runners Daily Vitamin

Diana Davis RD LD CDE  | It’s that time of year again – hot, humid, muggy May! We know it’s only going to get worse as we head into summer, but we still want/need to...

5 Tips For Running When It’s Way Too Hot Outside

Runners Daily Vitamin

Becky Wade | Heat and humidity are probably no strangers to you. You’ve learned to expect to finish runs feeling like you’ve just emerged from the ocean, that running in a dehydrated state can be...

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